Sunday 3 April 2011

The Doctor In The TARDIS Podcast #2

We made it to our second podcast!

We had such a great response to the first and it has already been listened to so many times, so we all just want to say a huge thank you to everyone who has listened or downloaded. Please keep coming back because we have such fun recording them.

This podcast though, very nearly didnt see the light of day. So many things went wrong, probably worst of all being the recording equipment deciding to stop working on the day of discussion. Like the troopers that we are though we pressed ahead, and despite having to hit the record button on the temporary equipment every 5 minutes we managed to come away with a podcast even longer than the last one.

Now, due to the hiccups we encountered some of the audio is a bit crackley in parts (most notably when I speak due to my dreadful mic) and some background noise managed to filter through but its easy to ignore and doesnt crop up much and we didnt want to leave you without a new cast this week so we had to press on regardless. Worry not though, new microphones and a new recording system is already in place and the next one will be pitch perfect.

Disclaimer out of the way, the latest session covers many topics and discussions, including:
  • A closer look fandom
  • Questions from the listeners
  • The Prequels & Trailers
  • River Song and attitudes towards her
  • The writing team of Series 6
And plenty more. I think even some spoilers managed to filter through.

So, without further ado, Here is The Doctor In The TARDIS Podcast #2

And if you would like to download it, you can do that HERE

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