Friday, 8 October 2010

Return Of Rose?

I'm thinking this is probably either a big misunderstanding or some hoax cooked up while times are quiet on the news front, but I have had three seperate emails in the space of about 30 minutes claiming Billie has been seen on set with Matt Smith today.

Now, before everyone gets excited (or angry) I am pretty sure that Secret Diary is currently filming (though I dont know that for sure), so it could be something to do with that (though not sure why MS would be there, if it was actually him) OR she could be in the area and popped in for a nosey. Or it could be someone who looks like Billie, but indeed isnt.

I wouldnt get your hopes up, but I always pass on what I am told and this is the latest. Take it with a pinch of salt people.


  1. I'd die if it were true !

  2. Wouldn't make sense for her to return, unless John Smith were along. No Tennant sightings on set are there?

  3. I would also die if it were true, but mostly from annoyance. Smith's Doctor did a very, very good job of shutting down Amy; we don't need another groupie wannabe.
    Unless this is some kind of cross-universe event. If somebody spots Tennant, wake me up.

  4. Aren't Matt Smith and Billie are mates? Maybe she was just visiting him to visit.

  5. I think I remember something similar happening last year too...that Billie Piper was seen on set. Turned out to be completely was just someone who looked like Billie.

  6. The 2 of them are mates, they worked together briefly in Secret Diary

  7. It could be a flashback or something like that...
